Private registration numbers continue to be in huge demand with prices rising year-on-year and records continually being broken. A personalised number plate can still be a head turner and can enhance a motor vehicle of any type or size.
With regard to selling your personalised private number plate, you may be shocked at how much it can actually be worth. These plates can be an excellent investment and can rise in value from a couple of hundred pounds to many thousands in a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, the value of a private plate depends on a few key things:
Names or numbers
Registration numbers and letters which spell a word or a name will always be in greater demand and as such will command a higher premium than a standard plate. With regard to numbers, registration plates that have the number ‘1’ as a prominent figure generally cost more and can therefore be sold for more. Not only that but shorter plates with less numbers and letters are generally worth more.
How common is the plate?
A major factor in determining how much a private registration number is worth is how common is it. By that we mean, does it contain common initials or names which will be desirable to more people. For example, the initials ‘AB’ are always in huge demand when it comes to private plates, while for names such as Andy you can choose multiple variations such as AND7, 4NDY and so on. Plates that can come in many variations can command lesser prices doe to the fact that there is a chance that other plates can also have the desired effect of spelling out your name.
How old id the registration number?
Older registration numbers tend to command higher prices and the reason for this is simply because they are shorter. Some of these plates are upwards of 100 years old and as such, they are much rarer and therefore more desirable to those looking to invest in a private plate.
Get in touch
If you are wondering how much your private registration number os worth, just get in touch with the team and we will send you a quote that can assist you in your quest to get the best price for your plate.